nosh nook #178 - wednesday, november 18, 2009

leggo your eggo: there's a waffle shortage (link)
11.18.09 - cnn money - by julianne pepitone
holy calamity! scream "insanity!" will this american nightmare we're living in ever come to an end? we've got mutant flus floating around & health care plans complete with abortion provisions. the economy's spinning down the toilet bowl & last month, the yankees won the world series, essentially ruining baseball for the year. just yesterday, a certain right-wing nutjob from alaska released a brand new memoir & even though she's a bible-thumping crazypants, she's still being thought of as a 2012 presidential candidate, so the book's basically a guaranteed best seller. oh the horror! i thought having a young, smooth-talking black president who can kill flies with his bare hands was supposed to save us from ourselves, or at least from sarah palin. if that's what's supposed to happen, it needs to get to happening real quick.
...& it just gets worse as the word out of battle creek, michigan today is that kellogg is going to have a waffle shortage until some time in mid-2010. a lil neggo on the eggo, no? cnn money reports that because of "flooding at an atlanta bakery" & the need for repairs on "equipment at kellogg's largest waffle facility, based in rossville, tenn," kellogg is now forced to ration their existing waffle supplies. since the shortage "will also affect other eggo products, including pancakes, syrup and other breakfast food," kris charles, a kellogg spokesman, sent out an email telling folks to just chill out for a bit because they're "working around the clock to restore eggo store inventories to normal levels as quickly as possible." no need to panic. eggo is on it. they know how important frozen waffles & frozen waffle accessories are to your diet.
leave it to cnn to get to the heart of the matter with their in-depth coverage. as an example, i submit to you their conversation with "chad, a grocery manager at king soopers in denver who declined to give his last name" but did let them know that they were "seeing some shortage, but not much." the kroger in jackson, MS was seeing shortages, but the fairway here in brooklyn hasn't noticed any change. booyah, brooklyn! keepin them eggos flowin! so yeah, so glad that cnn let us know how three random stores in three random cities are doing eggowise. they also let us know that "eggo enthusiasts took to the internet to mourn the shortage" & provided two random examples from two random twitter accounts to back up their claims. thanks again, cnn. solid reporting.