nosh nook #67 - tuesday, june 16, 2009

teens try to sell fake guns to buy snacks (link)
06.15.09 - kptv (fox 12 oregon)
in oregon snack-related crime news, the other day, two teenage boys from west linn (a well-to-do suburb just south of portland) were totally up to no good. around half past noon, a witness placed a call to police, letting them know that there were two boys loitering outside a local "market of choice." sure, loitering outside of a store's not that serious of a crime, but it is when you're trying to sell guns out of a backpack whilst doing so.
as kptv reports, by the time police responded to the concerned citizen's call, the two boys were on the lam, having taken off on their bikes minutes earlier. the cops took off in hot pursuit & soon found the two boys "a few blocks from the store hiding in some bushes." these boys are young, so they probably weren't aware, but if there's one thing i've learned about cops, they always look in the bushes. hiding behind a bunch of dresses in a closet doesn't work either.
with the teens in custody, the officers examined the aforementioned backpack. inside, they found "a replica of an HK MP-5 machine gun and several air soft replicas of glock pistols." that's right...the guns were fake...realistic looking, but fake. it turns out all the boys wanted to do was sell one of the fake guns so they could buy some bagels. peeps were hungry & looking for something to nosh on. instead, all they got was a reprimand, as "the officers called the parents of the 13- and 14-year-old boys and sent them home." maybe next time, they should bring a real gun to the market & start waving it around inside. that'd definitely get them the bagels they so desire.
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