nosh nook #68 - wednesday, june 17, 2009

sleepwalker put on nine stone with nightly snacks (link)
06.16.09 - the telegraph
sleepwalking huh? i once worked with a guy who claimed to have both gone out dancing & had sex with his boyfriend while asleep & under the influence of ambien. dudes & dudettes, i simply can't fathom sleepwalking, can't get it through my thick little skull (it's a thick lil' bugger!). i've been known to snore occasionally, but sleepwalking? what i don't understand is how this sleepwalking thing works. so basically one moment you're laying in bed & then the next, you're up doing random things, like a walking zombie of sorts? hell, when i'm awake, it's hard to get out of bed. crazy overachieving sleepwalkers!
for anna ryan of blue springs, missourah, sleepwalking is a part of her everyday life. according to the telegraph, ryan "was diagnosed with sleep related eating disorder (SRED) which causes her to walk to the kitchen and eat while sound asleep." as a result, she put on nine stone (126 pounds stateside) by consuming "chocolate, cheese, meat, butter and anything she can get her hands on."...heading to sleep now...better lock up the cat! her weight gain baffled her for years until she woke up one day to "food in the bed and a mess in the kitchen." she went to a doctor & the doctor installed a camera in her home, which revealed that she was hitting the kitchen eight times a night while she slept. obviously, she had to do something, since locking the bedroom door before going to sleep only left her with two black eyes & a broken tooth. the solution? medication! it's helping her to get up less, which means less chances to dig into the bottle of smuckers goober strawberry she's holding in the article's photo. wow...pharmies can fix anything!
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