pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.


#162 - three months after...

new orleans seems like a hell of a city. i've never visited there myself, but from what i envision, it's unlike any other city in the nation, a city that thrives on its rich culture. it's got chill people, good music, good food & good times and regardless of whether things are good or bad, there's the city & people & the culture & those help keep folks going. the only person i know in new orleans--my good pal mike--relocated down there a little while back & he seems to be doing well. basically, he lives & works there, enjoys the nightlife & helps run "the NOLA defender," a pretty sweet culture & news site that covers the heart, mouth, mind & soul of new orleans. i guess it's legit, because they recently had an interview with richard dreyfuss. but yeah...i think i could get to like new orleans.

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flea at laff #6: porchetta/brooklyn soda works.

snack: porchetta sandwich
drink: grapefruit, jalapeno & honey soda

it's official. the summer's here. i know so not because of that solstice thing that happened back on monday but because of something i noticed at the brooklyn flea this past saturday, that definitive, annual sign that the summer has arrived...there are hottie-type ladies out EVERYWHERE!...like ALL OVER DA PLACE! i don't know where they've been hiding all winter & at this point, i don't really care. it's pretty much my favoritest time of the year, the time when sweaters & long sleeves & stupid stupid UGGS give way to skin & sundresses & tank tops. ladies...thank you for looking so undeniably fetching this past weekend. i appreciate it. when i met my bro there in the early afternoon, there you were in all your glory...the beautiful, sundress-clad women of the BK. on the outside, i tried not to stare too much, but on the inside, i was all like "DAY-YAM! SWEET TATS YO!"

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#161 - WTF?

hey BP! WTF? you've really caused one hell of a mess down in the gulf of mexico, huh? it's been fifty-six days and counting since your oil rig blew up down in the gulf, killing eleven people & releasing oil into the gulf and from what i can tell, there's still no end in site. at first, you tried placing the blame elsewhere & since then, you've deployed a handful of ridiculous methods in an attempt to try & stop the leak and contain the spill, methods with comical names like "top kill" & "junk shot." surprise surprise...none of them have worked & with thousands of gallons of oil pouring into the gulf each day, the spill is now almost as large as pennsylvania.

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#160 - the terrible twos.

guess who turned two today! that's right...it's eat!drink!snack! that's actually twenty in blog years, but who's counting? oh wait...apparently i am. for the last twenty-four months, i've been bringing y'all rants & raves about the biggest & best from the world of snack & drink. how time flies! when i first started eat!drink!snack! way back in 2008, george w bush was president & as a nation, between the ongoing wars & the faltering economy, we were basically fucked. now it's two years later, obama's the man in the white house, the wars are over & the economy's doing better than ever.

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flea at laff #5: red hook vendors.

snack: flautas
drink: tamarind drink

it's official. i am never ever paying attention to weather reports ever again...like ever. this past weekend, in a repeat performance from the previous weekend, the weathermen called for saturday lightning bolts from the sky. with that forecast, i was thinking that the weather was going to foil my plan to head to the brooklyn flea, but when i awoke, i saw no hint of lightning bolts, so i threw on some pants & carried on with my plan. as a special treat, after a few weeks of going to the flea solo, this time i met up with ms. jessica, a friend & proud flea neighborhood resident.

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