pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in meditations (200)


#184 - please listen to my demo.

the only time i ever crashed a car was back at the end of my junior year of high school, when i took my mom's chevy corsica & drove it right off a new hampshire backroad & down into a ditch, smack dab between two thick new hampshire trees. for some reason, even though i didn't have a seatbelt on, i totally lived to see the day when i'd get to start this here awesomely irreverent snack blog. while i survived, my tape of EPMD's unfinished business was totally lost in the crash. from that point on, the frequency with which i heard their song "please listen to my demo" seriously dropped off. it told the tale of EPMD trying to break into the record business, as they shopped their demo around & around & eventually "signed on the dotted line" & got to "cruise in golden limos." success success success!

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#183 - yer as cold as ice.

can you guess which famous infamous politician turned 47 today? if you guessed the woman who's better known as "the seward's folly of politics," sarah palin, you're 100% correct! everyone's favorite batshit newscaster turned mayor turned governor turned VP candidate turned lamestream media pundit crept another year closer to death today. am i excited? you betcha! are you? you better be! go sarah! it's yo birthday! tweet nonsense like it's yo birthday! let's break out the party favors & streamers & floral arrangements & bear pelts & hear it for sarah palin!

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#182 - f'n bebes.

what the hell is the deal with all these bebes? they're friggin out of control. these days, every single time i log onto my favorite social networking site, without fail there's at least one new photo of a bebe clogging up my news feed. i used to have no problem with it. a cute bebe pic every now & again warms the soul, but c'mon now. it's like "yeah yeah, high school acquaintance. i get it. you have a bebe. it wears tiny hats & gets held by people & stuff. awesome. isn't that what it was doing yesterday?" if i had a bebe of my own, i'd limit posting photos of said bebe to the special moments, like when it first emerges from the nether regions of my wife or when it's taking its first dump or something.

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#181 - oh carlos!

last saturday, i spent the afternoon with a friend in chelsea, where we wandered from gallery to gallery in the rain. it ruled & here's why this is significant...i've lived in nyc for just under a decade now & in that time, i've never, like ever, just gone to chelsea & walked around looking at mostly-cool art for FREE. seriously, i don't know what my problem is. i've learned my lesson though & plan on doing a lot more gallery wandering this summer. maybe i'll even walk the high line for the first time while i'm in the neighborhood.

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#180 - i call bullshit.

sometimes i want to thwack the food writing community in their collective nads. as i've mentioned in the past, during the course of the day i read a ton of food blogs & news & whatnot. most of the time, reading about food trends & restaurant openings and looking at pictures of burgers & pizzas & fast food concoctions brings me joy. lately though, the constant reverb of motifs has been getting real old real fast. it's like i'm in a friggin echo chamber. case in point: over the months leading up to the new year & in the weeks since then, folks have been repeatedly referring to 2011 as "the year of the pie." blog after blog after blah blah blah is all "suck it, cupcakes. your day is over. bring on the pie." i'm no proponent of cupcakes or anything but i'm not yet ready to dub this the "year of the pie," no matter how many times food bloggers regurgitate the phrase.

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