pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in meditations (200)


#179 - tracks & snacks 2010.

alright loyal eat!drink!snack! readers, it's time to slam the barn door shut on 2010! normally, i'd reminisce about the past twelve months & be all "blah blah blah blog good blah blah blah blog bad," but i'm just not in the mood this year. instead, i'm just going to get right down to business. it's no secret that i'm both a music monger & a snack monger and as such, around these here parts we have a one year old year-end tradition of looking back at the ten tracks & snacks that totally rocked my world over the past year, so let's just concentrate on that for now.

2010 was definitely a great year for new music. for the past twelve months, it seemed like every single week i came across another new album or song or band that got me excited about music again, so that was coolio. per usual, the stuff that got me most excited fell under the category of "indie rock" with a smidgen of hip hop mixed in. what can i say? i like what i like & like to stick with what i like.

so yeah, this year was jam packed with fun time music, so much that the task of narrowing my favorites down into a top ten list was much more difficult than usual. in the end, i had to leave off a bunch of stuff i liked, including freddie gibbs' "the coldest," yeasayer's "ambling alp," the national's "bloodbuzz ohio," sleigh bells' "tell 'em" & frightened rabbit's "nothing like you," all of which got a TON of play on my stereo & ipod. sorry to them. this ain't tee ball. here at eat!drink!snack!, not everybody gets a trophy. let's check out who actually does get a trophy this year!

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#178 - links & drinks 2010.

OMG peoples! it's no longer 2010! f that year, right? i'm sure this one's going to be nothing but ponies & peonies, but before i can move on & properly embrace this new & magical year, i need to do my best to help perpetuate the end-of-year top ten list phenomenon. last year, while i named my top ten snacks of the year (alongside my fave tracks), i failed by neglecting to share my favorite drinks of the year with y'all...totally unprofessional of me. this year, i learned from my mistakes & have decided to use it as an opportunity to start a new tradition.

basically, i decided that i needed to come up with a "best of" category that rhymed with "drinks" & was worth writing about. although there have been enough kinks to create a top ten list, that'd just be silly & while i've seen a number of memorable sinks over the past year (library bar, i'm looking at your graffiti-covered ass!), i didn't think i'd have a lot to say about the matter. in the end, i figured i had no better option than to go with "links."

after all, i do visit a number of food websites each & every day, so here's the BRAND NEW tradition: my favorite ten food sites of he year...my favorite ten drinks of the year...MY TOP TEN LINKS & DRINKS!!! OMG NEW EOY TRADITION!!! srsly tho, in NO PARTICULAR ORDER, these ten sites totally got my attention this year & in doing so, each gave me some form of inspiration that helped me keep this here documentation of my snacking & drinking afloat during what was an often-shite year. you should visit them too, punk! support food writing or die!

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#177 - one fine evening.

drama! if you know me face-to-face & stuff, you know that it's rare that i get visibly pissed off about anything. life's too short & miscellaneous clichés. i grew up in an environment where my dad was angry at life a bunch of the time & while i don't have offspring bumbling about my home to affect with my anger, i've still never wanted to replicate that scenario, so i've tried to maintain an even keel in my wanderings. last night i sort of lost track of that mission though. for the second wednesday in a row, i planned on meeting a friend at good beer nyc for blog purposes & for the second wednesday in a row, poof fuck...the plans went completely awry. this second time, i was totally ripshit...on the inside, of course.

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#176 - richly poor.

OMG guv'ment! you f'n suck right now. get it together! you've taken the issues of extending tax cuts & unemployment benefits & turned them into majors & miners in your neverending game of political stratego. ok fine, that was a lame analogy with lame wordplay. bad on me. ok fine, you're sticking to your guns. good on you. i can respect the fact that you're doing that. what i can't respect is the fact that on the republican side, you're pitting benefits to the rich against benefits to the poor in an effort to have your political party come out on top. you don't fuck with leaving millions of people in the lurch so that you can make sure that people who will survive just fine regardless still get theirs, y'know? i mean...what would jebus do?

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#175 - unnatural causes.

as a society, we had to see it coming. we've been living pretty high on the hog for a while now, allowing our hedonistic, caffeinated alcoholic beverage-swilling ways to control our actions, but our collective national wild ride has finally come to an end. as of today, after five years on the market, the manufactured nectar of life known as four loko is officially GONE from the shelves of bodegas & convenient stores across the country. back on nov 16th, in anticipation of a government ruling, phusion products, the makers of four loko, announced that they were going to reformulate their beverages & remove the caffeine. the very next day, the FDA ordered four loko & three other manufacturers of caffeinated alcoholic beverages to pull their products from shelves by today's date, as the caffeine in them was ruled an "unsafe food additive."

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