pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in random ramblings (30)


wilco needs to try harder this time.

...so last week i was hanging round the apartment & i'd just finished watching this week's episode of rescue me. i'd opened a bottle of lagunitas wilco tango foxtrot (which i'd first tried last june) & i was playing on the internet & randomly learned that wilco has a new album--the whole love--coming out near the end of september. since i was having a beer with "wilco" in the name & they have a new album on the way & i haven't been listening to music much recently & haven't enjoyed much of wilco's recent output but believe in second chances, i got this crazy idea. starting with 1995's A.M., i'd listen to a bunch of wilco's discography in chronological order as i had myself a lagunitas wilco tango foxtrot, eventually, i fell asleep & when i woke up the next day, i listened to some more wilco, finishing with 2009's wilco (the album).

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cut copy bday BBQ.

photographic evidence of food & drink at my oft-brooklyn flea companion jessica's bday BBQ gathering in prospect park just outside the bandshell, where cut copy was playing...

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and the tacos will set you free.

sometimes you'll want tacos. then, sometimes you'll want tacos again. then again, at other times, for reasons that you just can't psychologically or nutritionally explain, the only thing you'll want to eat every day without fail for a week straight is tacos. over the course of that week, you might have an occasional falafel sandwich or bowl of granola & chobani, but a solid 90% of your meals will be tacos.

you will not be ashamed.

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snapple whore.

friends, family, constituents...thank you for reading today. last week, some of you may have heard the rumors about my recent beverage consumption. i've come here today to inform you that these rumors are true. i've been having relations with snapple lemon tea. this hot, sweaty summer has been a difficult time for me in my struggle against caffeine consumption & over the past few months, i've succumb to the pressures, drinking more snapple then i probably should.

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you should write. right?

hey you! do you enjoy snacking? do you enjoy drinking? do you enjoy rambling? if you're reading this blog, there's a good chance that you do. how about writing? you like doing that too? great! how about writing but not getting paid for it? yeah? well golly gee willikers do i have a proposal for you, sir and/or madam...

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