pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in random ramblings (30)


HEY YOU! check out my fancy nuts.

if you're a food or drink company who wants to be taken seriously these days, there's no better way than to give your brand an EXTREME mascot. from john jameson to dig 'em to that dos equis prick to the king from the burger king ads (RIP), with an EXTREME mascot you can easily let consumers know that you've got attitude. you can scream at them, "HEY YOU! THIS BRAND IS F'N CAH-RAYZEE (buy it & eat it)." on that note, let me introduce you to the one & only lord nut levington & his fancy lord nut levington thai dyed peanuts.

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ferrara panorama.

there's something deliciously exciting about cheap, processed junk food. at the top of that cheap heap are the 25¢ boxes of ferrara pan candies. for over 100 years now, the illinois-based candymaker has been churning out tiny, round candies in a variety of sugary sweet flavors. ever had an atomic fireball? how about a jawbuster? ferrara pan invented both of them classics. although their website is a bit outdated-looking, they do have sufficiently fleshed out pages with histories & whatnot for each of their candies, so that's cool.

this weekend, i picked up a few boxes of their candies. TOTAL DAMAGE = 75¢. yeah, pocket change. today i broke them out & munched on them throughout the work day, rekindling all sorts of childhood memories as i performed extraordinary feats of data entry...

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...a few lil' bites.

NOT DEAD! that's right. if you were wondering, with the radio silence that's occurred here at eat!drink!snack! over the past month & a half, whether the blog had finally gone the way of millions of other blogs before it & kicked the bucket, the answer is "no, virginia." NOT DEAD! as i tend to do every year, i burnt myself out on pumpktoberfest & along with the mid-november start of a new job, it just seemed like a good time to take a break in preparation for everything that i have planned for the new year. that's right...i have "things" planned. here are just a few lil' bites...

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37 for 37.

since today's my lucky 37th birthday & all, i hereby present you with 37 photos i've taken over the past year. food's kinda awesome, huh?

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man, the alarms.

man, i sure do like me some nuts. cashews, macadamias, almonds...all awesome. as for peanuts, they're the ol' standby nut & when i first crossed paths with a subway ad from the national peanut board telling me how friggin' awesome their nuts are for me, i was all "aw, nuts. that peanut marketing & promotion group has a point." after all, peanuts are both a healthy, tasty snack and one that can really do a number on a nerdy kid with a lame allergy.

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