dunkin' pumpkin.

HAPPY PUMPKTOBERFEST, EVERYONE! that's right...for the third year running, eat!drink!snack! will be bringing out all the stops for the next month, treating the world to a 31-day blur of PUMPKIN & HORROR FILMS! IT'S THE MOST PUMPKTASTICAL TIME OF THE YEAR! in 2009, i paired sixteen different pumpkin beers with my top sixteen horror movies. last year, i paired thirteen (mostly new) pumpkin beers with a bunch of horror films that i'd never seen before.
in 2011, eat!drink!snack! is taking things to a whole new level. in addition to a bunch of new pumpkin beer-horror film pairings, this year we'll be shining the pumpktoberfest light on pumpkin beers, pumpkin drinks AND pumpkin snacks, with pumpkin-themed guest posts from some of my favorite bloggers, interviews with some of my favorite pumpkin beer brewers & purveyors and an all-around focus on all things pumpkin. IT'S GOING TO BE HOTTER THAN THE APOCALYPSE.