pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in random ramblings (30)


dunkin' pumpkin.

HAPPY PUMPKTOBERFEST, EVERYONE! that's right...for the third year running, eat!drink!snack! will be bringing out all the stops for the next month, treating the world to a 31-day blur of PUMPKIN & HORROR FILMS! IT'S THE MOST PUMPKTASTICAL TIME OF THE YEAR! in 2009, i paired sixteen different pumpkin beers with my top sixteen horror movies. last year, i paired thirteen (mostly new) pumpkin beers with a bunch of horror films that i'd never seen before.

in 2011, eat!drink!snack! is taking things to a whole new level. in addition to a bunch of new pumpkin beer-horror film pairings, this year we'll be shining the pumpktoberfest light on pumpkin beers, pumpkin drinks AND pumpkin snacks, with pumpkin-themed guest posts from some of my favorite bloggers, interviews with some of my favorite pumpkin beer brewers & purveyors and an all-around focus on all things pumpkin. IT'S GOING TO BE HOTTER THAN THE APOCALYPSE.

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open-faced denmark dispatch.

i recently found myself in the lovely country of denmark for the wedding of my oldest my friend in the world.

while there, i discovered my new favorite snack, smørrebrød.

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TOTAL sausage fest.

as i've mentioned in the past, since moving to NYC a decade ago, two of my siblings have followed me down to the city. my sis is a doctor working & living on the upper east side & about once a month, on a rare day where she's not working, we try to get together for a meal. usually i head over to her studio apartment & she whips up one random dish or another. this past sunday, i visited her & she concocted a tomato, spinach & onion indian dish that had big chunks of tuna in it. although neither of us could remember having tuna in an indian dish, it somehow worked.

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the devil made me do it.

i am absolutely the WORST at going to bed at a reasonable, adult-like hour. oh! it's 2am? well that's the perfect time for popping on a movie & flaring up the oven! take this past weekend. on friday night, although it was well after midnight, i decided it was in my best interest to scroll through my on-demand options & see what film was best suited to keep me up past 3am. i ended up watching the 2010 film devil. it's produced by & based on a story by m. night shyamalanadingdong & features chris from the most recent season of damages & a dude who i totally thought was lafayette from true blood but totally isn't & that sorta-young mexican dude who seems to be in everything.

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combos combo.

if you've known me for a while, you know that i've always had a soft spot/hard on in my heart/pants for combos. i'm fully aware that they're more processed than a fresh batch of recently captured illegal immigrants but they're tasty little bite-sized snacks that i just can't get enough of, so i don't care if they're made with repurposed pig snouts. this past weekend, i was at one of my local bodegas grabbing a pair of beers & noticed that they had both zesty salsa tortilla & jalapeno cheddar tortilla combos for sale. tortillas? that's totally south of the border! since i have little to no willpower, i couldn't resist getting one of each to snack on with my beers.

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