pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in random ramblings (30)



is it the final day of pumpktoberfest already? well gosh darnit, i guess all "good" things must come to an end & stuff. that doesn't mean that we can't go out with a bang though, right? today, to mark the final day of the season, we've got not one but TWO PUMPKTASTIC POSTS!!! ISN'T THAT TOTALLY AWESOME?!!! to be honest, i was hoping to post this some time this past weekend but then i got lazy & slacked on writing it. my weekend sloth is your monday reward! anyhow, the other day, we shared a recipe for pumpkin oatmeal cookies with you & today, for our last snack of the pumpktoberfest season, we've got another tasty vegan pumpkin cookie--alternative baking company's phenomenal pumpkin spice cookie.

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a smorgasburg of pumpkins.

as i've mentioned a bunch of times in the past, three-quarters of the parow children now live in new york city, so we get together every once in a while. when we do, it's usually over food. last weekend, my doctor sister was celebrating her 35th 25th birthday so on a windy saturday the three of us & a few of the bro's pals met up in williamsburg at the god-awful hour of 11am to eat a bunch of food at brooklyn flea's smorgasburg market. it was the first time i'd returned to the market after visiting there for fucked in park slope back in may for its opening weekend. in preparation for our familial gathering, the bro had purchased three passes from gilt city that were each good for five entrees, a drink & a dessert, so we had some serious eating ahead of us. i, of course, was on the hunt for pumpktoberfest treats.

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a tale of two pumpkin (drinks).

all pumpktoberfest long, we've got guest posts from some of my favorite bloggers. so far, the posts from erica of FIPS & junk food guy have been nothing short of pumpktastic. today we've got the return of the eatinist bitch, who contributed a guest post on snacks & drinks in puerto rico to eat!drink!snack! this past summer. she kinda cracks my shit up. inside joke: don't ever get her on a boat & make her prepare guacamole for you.

fall isn't particularly my favorite time of year, but it's pretty special because it's her time to shine. by "her," i mean that curvy orange delight, the pumpkin. pumpkin pie, pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin ice cream...pretty much anything pumpkin's added to is made better with its beautiful color, rich flavor, and dare i even say it...nutrition. when i saw that jamba juice had a seasonal smoothie called the "pumpkin smash" (almost sounds like a wrestling move...or a bad dance move from the 50's), of course I had to give it a try.

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tastykake pumpkin baked pie & how the movie scream got me in trouble.

all pumpktoberfest long, we're featuring guest posts from some of my favorite bloggers. this week's guest post comes from junk food guy, a snack food junkie like myself who's amazing at weaving together snacking & storytelling. his post about being in NYC on 9/11 is one of the better things i've read all year long.

hello there, readers of eat!drink!snack! it's your friendly neighborhood junk food guy, here to contribute to this year's pumpktoberfest. when eat!drink!snack! asked me guest blog, i was ecstatic! my first task - finding a pumpkin flavored junk food. i researched online, talked to my friends, and discovered a slew of pumpkin-flavored junk foods, from pumpkin pie pop-tarts to pumpkin spice donuts from krispy kreme. "piece of cake," i thought, "this post will write itself."

one problem: i couldn't find any in real life! grocery stores, walmarts, targets - NO one had these pumpkin treats i was looking for! even the pumpkin spice donuts - the guy at krispy kreme stared at me like i had three heads. WTF. plenty of halloween-inspired spooky snacks (lame) but no pumpkin being sold. i was feeling a little worried, i have to be honest. i had this whole list of pumpkin-themed snacks, and every time i went out i'd stroll down every aisle to see if any of these items were in stock...nope.

then, one day...victory (thanks to the girl with the junk food radar, adi).

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smashing pumpkins.

all pumpktoberfest long, we'll be featuring guest posts from some of my favorite bloggers. to kick things off, we've got a lovely post from erica, the brains behind fucked in park slope and design blahg.

you know what i love about halloween? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

OK, well maybe the candy is kind of ok, but honestly: that's it.

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